gary deirmendjian selected works

drape 2018



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:::: major architectural context intervention of kinetic sensitivity
:::: between 2 and 4 Dawn Fraser Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park
:::: Temporary Public Art Commission, Parko Techni 2018
:::: Sydney Olympic Park Authority [SOPA]
:::: sibling work to drop

:::: rope and support media
:::: dimensions variable

click SOP banner for further details ...


artist statement

drop and drape are a duo of minimalist and highly site sensitive rope interventions. 

they draw their form and meaning directly from the architectural opportunities located centrally at Olympic Park, and equally so from the prime responsibilities of the Authority. 

while drop takes its formal lead directly from the canopy fringe at the Western main entry to Olympic Park Station, the form of drape relies upon the inter-building void and footbridges connecting the Commonwealth Bank buildings that straddle Park Street, between Dawn Fraser and Herb Elliott Avenues. 

drop consists of 19 suspended ropes of graduated height that mirror the complex spatial arc scribed by the canopy fringe. drape on the other hand consists of 9 equal length ropes rooted to the rooftop and draped varyingly over the upper footbridge. 

both works are kinetically sensitive to any localised movement of air. 

just watch the buildings breathe in the slightest breeze, or even heave against a howling wind…


NOTE: for drop [click]




i thank SOPA for the opportunity to realise this work. in particular i wish to thank Tony Nesbitt [Manager Arts & Culture] for his support and efficient facilitation in meeting all necessary development and bureaucratic requirements.

i wish to acknowledge Pacific Facilities Management and High Rise Solutions - the contractors for the installation. in particular i wish to thank Dave Redman [Director, Pacific], Sean French - Harley [Director, High Rise], and their respective crew consisting of Dennis Underwood and the high access team of Evgeny Akmaev & Erin Marshall, for their expertise, patience and professionalism.

i wish to thank Zoe Colless, Cameran Hossain and Bede Perera of dexus [the asset managers for the buildings] for their enthusiasm and accommodation.

further, i thank David Tumeth [Sydney Rope Supplies] in helping to specify and supply the right product.