gary deirmendjian selected works

inner 2004 - 05



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:::: 2.8m (height) x 2.2m x 2.2m - square outer footprint
:::: sandstone (Yellow Block, Pyrmont), steel reinforced concrete under-structure
:::: 10 tonnes (not including under-structure)
:::: finalist, The Helen Lempriere National Sculpture Award, 2005
:::: permanent collection, Werribee Mansion, Parks Victoria, Werribee, Victoria


artist statement

This is an installation of four stones, each having one perfectly flat side. The stones are arranged to form a square outer footprint, where the corners are implied - apparently eroded, offering access points into the work.

Together the stones suggest a quiet congregation, with each stone carrying a vague human outline when viewed from outside. The viewer’s movement around, toward, into and out of the work, as well as their physical interaction with the work, are assigned a central role.

The work concerns the tensions that exist between one’s objective and subjective realities, and the limitations imposed by any contextual anchorage.

From afar one can make cold factual assessments. When housed within the work however, one is complexly engaged and loses any such perspective. This experience is potentially cozy and/or claustrophobic.

It may seem as though the pursuit of an either objective or subjective reality must come at the expense of the other - the first with a clouding of emotion and the latter with a clouding of judgment.