gary deirmendjian selected works

push 2005



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:::: 2.9m (height) x 1.5m x 2.7m
:::: sandstone (Yellow Block, Pyrmont), steel reinforced concrete under-structure
:::: 6 tonnes (entire structure - single piece)
:::: finalist, Sculpture by the Sea, 2005
:::: enabled by Stone Mason & Artist (SMA), Leichhardt NSW
:::: acquired by the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA)
:::: permanently sited at MUA Training School & Accommodation, St Georges Basin NSW


artist statement

two monoliths lean obliquely into one another, and heavily so. they should be toppling, but they aren't. a square window is punched horizontally through each one. the holes align, as though a square invisible  beam has penetrated both stones and is forever halting their fall. in between the stones, a place that the viewer is able to inhabit.

their flat outer faces, is it perhaps the 'objective' that they signify? if so, do their craggy inner facing sides point to realms 'subjective' then?

the work may suggest an ongoing pressing down of the subjective by pressures of reasoned oppression, only to be resisted by a value beam both immaterial and beyond measure ...