:::: based on BLUT & BODEN, the last artistic intent of Gunter Christmann (1936 - 2013), and his drive towards its resolution
:::: a one day only, site and date specific installation, CeLL Block, National Art School, Darlinghurst ... the place of his belonging
:::: exhibition held on the anniversary of the resolution of
BLUT & BODEN ... as he saw it
:::: dimensions 3m x 2m x 2.4m (height)
:::: media
- Gunter’s collection of bloodied tissues & red ochres
- paraphernalia relating to the development of BLUT & BODEN ... as he saw it
- furnishings from Gunter’s apartment
- exhaust pipe didgeridoo - constructed by Gunter from found elements
- real time sound tapped from inside didgeridoo
- tobacco aroma
- construction media including structural timber, mouldings, plasterboard and other
Martin van der Wal's impromptu playing of Gunter's exhaust pipe didge at the closing, from within the installation (Martin was a long term personal friend of Gunter):
Recording of sound tapped from inside Gunter's exhaust pipe didge - the sound is conditioned by the physical specifics of the didge and is responsive to any incidental input from its surrounds:
background & artist statement
The following linked document paints the context and traces the development of the work:
BLUT & BODEN - gunter christmann
by gary deirmendjian, November 2014
The work is indebted to the generous support of the National Art School (NAS), where the work was exhibited as a one day site and date specific installation.
Thank you to Michael Snelling (Director and Chief Executive) and Judith Blackall (Curator and Manager, NAS Gallery) for their advice and direct engagement.
Ben Tooth and Sam Bennett (students at NAS) assisted generously in the creation of the work. Their particular abilities and extensive involvement is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to Rip Viropoulos, Managing Director of Camperdown Cellars, for generously supporting the formal gathering.

Thank you to Susan Gilligan and Martin van der Wal - long term personal friends of Gunter, for kindly providing the catering for the formal gathering.